Counselling Psychology is a programme that is specially designed to fulfil the demand for knowledge and skills in counselling psychology for professionals with an interest in counselling. The programme provides professional and practical qualification in real - life counselling expertise for people practising counselling psychology including in organisations, health including hospitals and hospices, social welfare including pastors of religion, social workers and in education, community and rehabilitation, and human resource management. There is augmented growth in psychological counselling as a result of increased demand for psychological services in many different settings. Counselling psychology seeks to alleviate and resolve human issues as well as improve psychological, social, mental and general life. These include: at the workplace, industries, hospitals, prisons, places of worship, schools and other areas. Counselling psychologists will be needed to assist people handle various situations such as addiction, stress, marriage and family issues, youth and work related issues. The objectives of the programme are to ensure an advanced level of knowledge about major approaches to counselling psychology; to provide training in counselling practice and develop skills for application in workplace, health, education; and to advance research, ethical and professional issues in counselling as a profession.

Degree Programmes/Course Units Linked To Thematic Area


CPY 001:        Introduction to Psychology

CPY 002:        Interviewing Techniques for Individuals and Groups

CPY 003:        Lifespan Development

CPY 004:        Health Psychology

CPY 005:        Introduction to Theories of Personality

CPY 007:        Introduction to Social Psychology

CPY 008:        Psychotherapeutic Approaches

CPY 010:        Fundamentals of Counselling

CPY 011:        Research Methods and Basic Statistics

CPY 012:        Group Counselling

CPY 016:        Psychological Disorders


CPY 116:        Psychology of Human Development

CPY 202:        Human Sexuality

CPY 204:        Psychology of Aging

CPY 205:        Personality Psychology

CPY 206:        Psychology of Adjustment

CPY 207:        Cognitive Psychology

CPY 208:        Abnormal Psychology

CPY 302:        Vocational Guidance

CPY 303:        Addictive Disorders

CPY 304:        Theories and Techniques of Counselling

CPY 307:        Behaviour Modification

CPY 309:        Deviant Behaviour

CPY 310:        Fundamentals of Counselling

CPY 311:        Stress Management

CPY 312:        Psychology of Communication

CPY 314:        Gender Psychology

CPY 316:        Human Sexuality

CPY 403:        Counselling of the Youth

CPY 404:        Counselling Terminally ill

CPY 405:        Group Counselling

CPY 406:        Family Marital & Sex Counselling

CPY 407:        Community Counselling

CPY 408:        Counselling Families of Persons with Special Needs

CPY 410:        Counselling Persons with Addictive Disorders

CPY 412:        Counselling Outcome, Issues, Trends and Ethics

CPY 413:        Psychology of the Family

CPY 416:        Introduction to Counselling


  •  Counsellors in Schools,
  • Churches,
  • Prisons,
  • Mental Health Institutions,     
  • Family Rehabilitation centres.